Louise Coigley
Lisn’ Tell Live Inclusive Storytelling
Speech and Language Therapist
Based in Sussex where I work with individual children and groups, I travel throughout the UK and abroad to deliver training and perform storytelling and poetry.
She has a dynamic and infectious warmth. I would heartily recommend her to anyone seeking to bring storytelling alive in a profound and enlightening way.
To know her and her work over the years has been an inspiration.
The evidence of how storytelling can support literacy skills abounds:
Students are better able to move from oral to literate language styles if they have had positive experiences of hearing and retelling stories during pre-school years…
…and for children with speech language and communication needs storytelling can help literacy development at any age. Paray House School in London recently commissioned Lis’n Tell training for all teaching staff in order to promote and enhance their approach to literacy with their students.
Engaging…stimulating and refreshing…You are doing important work in the bringing together of art and science.
Louise was in the top 5 Hit List of Children’s Storytellers Shows at the International Edinburgh Fringe Arts Festival August 2009!
Visit www.lisntell.com to find out more!